Flowering Rush & Invasive Weeds Resources
.Prohibited Noxious Weeds are a major concern surrounding our lakes. If you spot Flowing Rush or Himalayan Balsam, contact us
Flowering Rush
Flowering Rush is an invasive species on lakes and invades, wetland areas, streams, rivers, and stormwater retention ponds. It's also tolerant of fluctuating water levels, meaning it will grow in a riparian buffer or directly in the water. Flowering Rush displaces native vegetation such as rushes and cattails which are the primary habitat for wildlife and primarily waterfowl. This plant doesn't provide the necessities of shelter for our shoreline birds it also isn't strong enough for the red-winged blackbird to perch on leaving them to find other habitats elsewhere. The Flowering Rush depletes shoreline biodiversity not only of plants but also of insects, birds, and mammals.
-Kelsey Norton, Nature Alberta
Flowering rush is present in Lake Isle and if this problem is not dealt with it will extend into Lac Ste. Anne as well. As mentioned above it has a severe negative environmental impact as well as decreases property values and can interfere with boating. We have an infestation in Lake Isle which has significantly increased in size from 2015 to 2017. We are working with Alberta Environment, Alberta Invasive Species, Alberta Agriculture, the County of Parkland, the County of Lac Ste Anne, and several other agencies to mitigate its progress and eventually eradicate it. In 2016 test plots were treated with one of multiple: cutting via machine, hand removal, benthic barriers, the chemical “Reward” and the chemical “Habitat Aqua”. Alberta Environment analyzed these test plots in 2017 and they determined that the only viable course of action is to chemically treat the larger areas of Flowering Rush.
There are also many small isolated patches of Flowering Rush on Lake Isle that need to be removed by hand. We are in desperate need of volunteers to help with the digging of these patches to prevent the further spread of the Flowering Rush to the rest of Lake Isle. If we do not dig these patches in the next 1-2 years the whole lake will be taken over by the invasive weed.
We would like to thank Alberta Ecotrust for the grant that funded all of the digging equipment, supplies advertising, and promotional items for our 2018 digs. Thank you as well to Tanya Rushcall and Nicole Kimmel from Alberta Environment and Parks for all of their hard work helping with the flowering rush infestation.
Himalayan Balsam
Himalayan Balsam has recently been found on the south shore of Lake Isle and Lac Ste Anne. The fact that it is classified as prohibited noxious means that upon identification of the plant it has to be completely removed and destroyed. The reason it's under this category is because the nectar is way more potent and also flowers longer than our native species, meaning our native plants won't get pollinated. The Himalayan has a very shallow root structure, unlike our native plants that cover almost triple the surface area creating a better hold for the shoreline. This makes them unsuitable for protecting the shoreline against ice heaving and repetitive wave action. When Himalayan has mature seed capsules they *explode * when contacted sending thousands of seeds into the water which can stay viable for weeks. Himalayan Balsam is a pretty serious problem due to these three main reasons.
-Kelsie Norton, Nature Alberta
LILSA's approach to Himalayan Balsam is that we are hand pulling and bagging this prohibited noxious weed. Our hope is to eliminate it from our shores within the next 3-5 years. To do this we will need your help. If you spot this weed on your property please remove it.